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ACP | Cultural Sector lost 24.000 employees in Spain in 2012
Cultural Sector lost 24.000 employees in Spain in 2012
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The crisis is hitting hard at the cultural sector. The general economic situation and criticized 21% VAT has caused a sinkhole in this industrial sector. According to the Cultural Statistics Yearbook ministry, last year 24,100 workers went on the road and almost 2,000 companies in the sector-1978-had to close, from 103,320 to 101,342. This caused the economic contribution also descend. Its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) dropped a tenth-from 2.8% to 2.7% -, also lowered the budget allocated by the government to the world of culture, which fell 1,000 -957 000 000-million .
The families are also less scratched pockets to consume cultural products passes 14364-13371000. The average household expenditure on cultural goods and services was 738.9 euros, and the average expenditure per person stood at 288.7 euros. In terms of sectors, the film experienced a drop in viewers.While in 2011, the cinema took in 98.3 million, last year lost 4.1 million (94.2 million) at the box office that allowed 614.2 million compared to 635.8 million in 2011.
This amount of spectators, some 18 million decided to use a Spanish film (with a collection that touches 120 million), a sector which declined in 2012. There were 182 films in Spain compared to 199 the previous year. Moreover, the number of cinemas decreased 35 and 41 showrooms were lost. The number of festivals are also collapses: 80 pass 36.
As for the theater, lost 16 rooms in total there are 1,605), ceased its activity-there are now 365 companies, and 3,261 were lost from one year to another 159 festivals of performing arts-793-634 -. By contrast, 14 new companies were born dance while bullfighting lowered the barrier of 2000-1997.